Agrofirm "South"

one of the largest agricultural producers in the Temryuk region, located in the most fertile region of Russia - in the western part of the Taman Peninsula, Krasnodar Territory, in the north, washed by the Gulf of Taman, and in the south-west - the Black Sea.

The main activity of the company is the cultivation and processing of grapes. In addition, the company grows seedlings for new planting and restoration of vineyards. Today, more than 5 thousand people are employed in the production process at the agricultural company - qualified, experienced specialists providing a competent approach to growing grapes, from planting seedlings to harvesting and its primary processing.

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The main priority in the activities of the Agrofirm "South" is the continuous improvement of product quality. Adopting best practices and scientific achievements from around the world, the company's winegrowers are systematically working to improve the assortment of grapes. To date, significant areas belonging to the Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" are given over to new grape varieties imported from France, Italy and other countries. Leading international experts visiting the Agrofirm Yuzhnaya invariably note the high level of quality of grapes and its primary processing, which meets the requirements of leading European countries. About 200 awards won by Yuzhnaya Agrofirm at Russian and international exhibitions and competitions are not only an indicator of the rich and long history of the company, but also an indisputable evidence of the quality of products.

product quality
large assortment of grapes and seedlings
new technologies, innovative methods
experience and traditions of generations of winegrowers

Do you want to work with us?

The main pride and the most important resource of the company are the competencies that our highly qualified team possesses - specialists who can implement the most ambitious and time-consuming partnership projects.

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