Varietal composition

Kuban, as a natural pearl of Russia, has favorable climatic conditions for growing the vast majority of grape varieties. Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" has chosen the best species, which have a unique taste and aroma inherent only to them.

The varietal composition includes several varieties of grapes. We grow technical and table varieties, as well as hybrid varieties that have taken the best qualities from different species. The second group is intended both for direct consumption in fresh form and for the production of quality wine. Distinctive features - attractive appearance of both individual berries and whole bunches, high taste characteristics. All these properties are preserved during storage and transportation.

The technical grape varieties are used to make wine and are divided into 3 main categories, each with its own unique characteristics. Classic grape varieties are widespread, often used in the preparation of wines, wine materials, juices, cognacs and soft drinks, and are also suitable for processing into raisins. Autochthonous varieties differ from others in that they are cultivated in the same territory as they appeared, they have other names - terroir, local. When trying to grow in other natural conditions, they change the taste, aroma and nature of the finished product. Hybrid varieties are created by crossing two or more types of grapes, absorbing their best properties. A new hybrid grape form can only be considered a variety when it has passed the variety test.
A distinctive feature of technical varieties is the increased sugar content, reaching 30%, and juice from 70% to 90% of the berry weight.

Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" grows more than 130 different varieties, located on 9,157 hectares of land. When choosing the place of growth of each variety, climatic features are carefully taken into account in order to obtain quality products.

Expansion of the varietal composition

On the basis of the agricultural firm, there is a scientific and practical department, whose specialists are actively involved in breeding work. As a result of painstaking work and large-scale research in March 2018, new grape varieties were bred: Ancelota Tamanskaya, Sauvignon Tamansky, Gruner Tamansky, Zweigelt Tamansky, Sira Tamanskaya, Sangiovese Tamansky.

In 2018, the company became one of the authors registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements. All rights to these varieties, their use and intellectual property rights belong to the agricultural firm "Yuzhnaya" as the originator and co-author.