Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" in 2021 increased the grape harvest by more than 15,000 tons

The largest wine-growing enterprise in the country, the Yuzhnaya agricultural company, which is part of the Ariant group of companies together with Kuban-Vino, has completed the harvest. This year, the gross grape harvest amounted to 83 428 tons (in 2020 - 68 187 tons) from an area of 7 807 hectares. Thus, almost half of the grapes harvested in the Krasnodar Territory are in the assets of the agricultural firm (data for the region - 180 thousand tons).

High performance was ensured by a combination of natural factors, a significant renewal of the equipment park, in particular, for the care of vineyards, harvesting and transportation of crops, which significantly increased the quality and speed of all work, as well as an increase in the processing capacity of grapes up to 2000 tons per day.

“We planned to collect more. Excellent ripening of berries throughout the season provided a favorable temperature regime, but the mesocyclone that passed through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory in August affected part of our vineyards. The plantations of a group of early varieties, such as Chardonnay, Pinot, were mainly damaged. From the second half of August to the end of October, serious anomalous climatic phenomena were not observed, this allowed to carry out the harvesting campaign at a high organizational level and to collect grapes of excellent quality, "said Maxim Gruner, chief consultant on viticulture at AF" Yuzhnaya ".

In total, the agricultural firm "Yuzhnaya" now has about 12 thousand hectares of land, the total area of ​​vineyards is more than 8.5 thousand hectares. The Ariant group of companies plans to increase the area to 10 thousand hectares within a few years.

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