Kuban-Vino and agricultural firm Yuzhnaya opened branded auditoriums in Kuban State Agrarian University

At the Kuban State Agrarian University, two new classrooms-laboratories were opened, designed in the corporate style of the region's largest vineyards and wineries.

The winery "Kuban-Vino" and the agricultural company "Yuzhnaya", which are part of the Ariant Group of Companies, have been reliable strategic partners of the university for several years. They cooperate with KubGAU in the field of education, science, in the field of introducing new technologies, in organizing and conducting industrial and undergraduate practice for students at enterprises.

Two new classrooms are equipped with modern furniture and plasma panels. The laboratories will allow students to master modern methods for assessing the quality of wine and growing grapes. In addition, branded spaces will become venues for master classes, seminars, scientific and career guidance events with the participation of company representatives.

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“Branded classrooms will become a kind of symbol of the union of education and production. In such classrooms, students will feel connected to organizations in which they will be able to work in the future, which is certainly important for learning motivation. In addition, during the training they will be able to get acquainted with the corporate culture and traditions of the company,” - said Victoria Emelyanovich, General Director of Kuban-Vino LLC.

Victoria Emelyanovich also noted that the company is interested in high-quality training of future specialists, therefore, it contributes to improving the educational process. "Kuban-Vino" has been conducting internships for students of specialized specialties for more than 5 years. This year, more than 130 students from 10 Russian universities and technical schools were accepted for internships. Within five months, under the guidance of experienced mentors, students performed technological operations related to the preparation of wine materials for bottling, conducted laboratory research of wine. During the summer internship, students were paid for accommodation, as well as the work shifts themselves. During the implementation of the student project, more than 12 university graduates with a degree in winemaking have been employed at Kuban-Vino.

Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" has collected a record harvest of grapes
