Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" accepted 45 students for internship

Students of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, the Kuban State Agrarian University and the Labinsk Agricultural College started their practice at the Yuzhnaya agricultural firm. Future agronomists and machine operators get acquainted with production and learn the basics of the profession at one of the largest viticulture enterprises in Russia.

Industrial practice is one of the tools for training a personnel reserve, implemented by the Ariant group of companies, which includes the Yuzhnaya agricultural firm. Practice takes place according to a specially designed program. Students are provided not only with accommodation and meals, but also with wages.

Practice season from May to October. At this time, curators are assigned to the guys. Agronomy students work as foremen's assistants, machine operators work in the company's Technopark: they perform maintenance and repair of agricultural equipment.

After completing the internship, students demonstrate good results in professional competitions. So, in the spring of this year, two student mechanics who received practical experience at Yuzhnaya took first and third places at the regional stage of the All-Russian Championship Movement “Professionals” in the competencies “Operation of agricultural machines” and “Maintenance of heavy equipment”.

In addition, every year some of the students who have completed practical training return to the agricultural firm as specialists. Based on the results of past years, 9 people were employed by the company.

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The nursery of Yuzhnaya agricultural firm will produce 2.7 million seedlings in 2023
