Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" will double the supply of table grapes
The Yuzhnaya agricultural company plans to double its supply of table grapes to the Magnit chain.
It is expected that the volume of deliveries in the current season will exceed 2.1 thousand tons. The partnership will allow offering customers fresh high-quality products, a unique assortment and affordable prices.
Magnit stores will feature three varieties of grapes from the Yuzhnaya agrofirm: the mass-produced variety of black grapes "Moldova", as well as the varieties "Attica" ("Codryanka") and "Kishmish Radiant", which are rarely found in chain stores. Deliveries will begin in early September. Grapes from Yuzhnaya will be presented in the Magnit retail chain throughout its entire geography of presence.
Yuzhnaya agrofirm is the main Russian supplier of grapes to the Magnit retail chain: the share of its products is about 50% of all deliveries of domestic grapes. Last year, at the peak of the season, the growth in sales of black grapes "Moldova" from Yuzhnaya reached 150% in annual terms. Magnit's long-term partnership with the Yuzhnaya agricultural company provides for a further increase in grape supplies to the retail network, and in the future, the planting of vineyards to meet the retailer's needs.