Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" opened a branded training laboratory in Kuban State Agrarian University

A modern wine-making laboratory was opened at the Kuban State Agrarian University as part of Priority 2030. The ceremony was attended by Rector Alexander Trubilin and General Director of the Yuzhnaya Agrofirm Igor Chemeris.

A new classroom has been created at the Faculty of Horticulture and Viticulture. The class is equipped with modern laboratory equipment that allows for organoleptic and physico-chemical assessment of the quality of raw materials, wine materials, finished wines and fermented drinks. The renovation and branding of the auditorium was carried out by the Yuzhnaya agricultural company, which also supplied some of the equipment. The educational laboratory is designed to conduct classes in the disciplines: Chemistry and wine technology, Winemaking technology and Fermentation technology.

“Agrofirm “Yuzhnaya” is a strategic partner of KubSAU. We have been cooperating for more than five years. There are a lot of points of interaction: a student internship program for students, internships for faculty teachers, conducting practical field trips and master classes for students, employment of graduates and much more. This is another step in strengthening our partnership,” noted Alexander Trubilin, rector of the Kuban State Agrarian University.

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During the ceremony, the general director of the Yuzhnaya agricultural company presented the faculty with certificates for two wine cabinets that will be installed in the laboratory.

“We are pleased to interact with universities. We understand perfectly well that today's students are the future of the industry. Our company is interested in competent specialists, therefore it contributes to improving the educational process. I would like to note that this year 45 students completed internships at the Yuzhnaya agricultural company. And based on the results of past years, 9 people who completed an internship during training have already been employed by the company,” said Igor Chemeris, general director of the Yuzhnaya agricultural firm.

Agrofirm "Yuzhnaya" collected more than 100 thousand tons of grapes
